Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boys vs. Girls

Today we spent the day canning peaches. I only bought two "lugs" of them this year, although I might have to go back for another box. We have four of us now, and I don't know if 22 quarts of peaches is truly going to last us an entire year.
Off and on Ryan's job in the canning process was to put 6 peaches into a bowl that were then put in the boiling water to loosen the skins. At one point about halfway through the day he took to a peach.
When I say "took to a peach" I mean, he started calling it his baby, rolling it up in his shirt, putting it down for naps, etc. He told me at one point he was going to go get the mail. I asked him to leave his "baby peach" in the kitchen while he went outside.
"Weeeelll, I think he wants to come with me."
"Maybe he just needs a nap, Ryan."
"No. He's NOT tired." (just so you know mom, Peaches only take three naps a day, not more!)
I started to get worried. A few minutes of fun banter is all well and good, but I didn't need him coming up with some attachment to such a volatile fruit. I mean, at least an apple would last a few days in a bed made of towels! A peach?? No chance. I envisioned swarms of fruit flies overtaking our home, or else a sobbing, writhing child wondering why I was slicing his baby up and STICKING IT IN A JAR!
Just as I am going through all of these awful scenarios in my head, Ryan looks up at me.
"Can we eat my baby all up?"
And at this moment I was both relieved and...a bit concerned.


Krissy said...

Oh my gosh he loves to throw curve balls in your direction! He has such a wonderful imagination and yet still has that down to earth attitude. I don't think that you will have any problems getting him to eat the cow you are growing in the side yard.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now - the sequel to "James and the Giant Peach" - "Ryan and the Baby Peach"! He does keep you guessing as to what he will come up with next. Sweet kid!
Love you all!

Tracy said...

Krissy- I think not either. Did I ever tell you the story of when he ran after the chickens making a chomping sound? That'll get 'em back in the pen! Haha!

Mandapanda said...

Truly one of the best stories EVER. I like it when Nathan reads it out loud better than when I read it in my head, but either way, your little Ryan is a CRACK-UP!!! Love you

Tifani said...

So funny! Ryan, you are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure Tracy on your comparison of boys and girls. It was TARA who carried around a large oblong ROCK for a summer or 2pretending that it was her baby. She covered it with blankets, put it to bed, talked to it. I think that was the summer too that she "directed" a nativity skit under the playset that Ken and I were formally invited out to view. Philip was Joseph, decked out in a yellow curtain. I'm not sure what Eric's part was, he was probably just in hiding, ha. The "rock baby" did eventually become part of the rock wall on the side of the driveway, it was time to lay the poor thing to rest.
The boys?? Bunkers in the garden 6feet deep. A cave dug out under the woodshed, that we didn't discover until Phil had left home, candle fires in the barn. Oh the wonderments of raising children. . . ALL OF THEM, ha.