Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ryan's Alien. He actually had this guy "talking" to a toy giraffe. "You havin fun? You go school? Yep? That's cool!"
Later that morning he drug a chair across the kitchen, helped himself to two plates and a fork, pulled the chair to the other side of the kitchen, climbed up and cut two pieces of lemon pie- one for each plate. When I found him, he was carefully balancing two plates on his way out to see me (one for me, one for mom). At least he is thinking of others...
Imagine this picture coupled with a high-pitched squeal. SO excited!!!
The boys spent the better part of half an hour like this - David sitting up and watching Ryan set out his train.
About to cry...attempt to comfort...
If you were to hold David when he is ready to fall asleep and he is trying to grab your long hair and PULL REALLY HARD this is what it would look like from your point of view.

I have been a bit tardy/sporadic in posting pictures of my growing boys...hope this helps.


Tifani said...

Thanks for the photos! I needed my Ryan/David fix for the day! Hugs and kisses to your kiddos!

Krissy said...

Ha at least David looks sweet and innocent when he is about to pull your hair. Chloe has this sinister look on her face EVERY time. Does he eat your hair as well? Chloe devours mine and gets mad if I take it away.

Ryan is getting so big! That is so cute how he is having the alien talk to the giraffe like we talk to him on the phone. Oh I love that guy.

Thank you for putting more pictures up for us to look at. Please keep them coming.

Mom G said...

Such cuties!! It's an adjustment to come home to a quiet house of no "morning greeters" of either Ryan's calling GRANDPA from the top of the stairs or David's beautiful smiles and "worked up" squeals. Opa isn't around during the day, either, to offer his helping hands, ha. We enjoyed our "snow bound" visit. Thank you for the "soul refill". Love you 4!!