Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cold Shoulder

Just a head's up- for some reason some comments have been randomly deleted or not showing up at all. This is not my doing- I don't delete anyone's comments. SO if this has happened to you, please know that I am not just giving you the cold shoulder or something- there is probably just some glitch with Blogger. Sorry! I love you all and really, really enjoy your comments...Don't let the system discourage you =)


Anonymous said...

Tracy - I've been having problems posting comments on ALL blogs that I access. I'm beginning to think that there might be something wrong with the Blog System in itself. I emailed Todd who said he'd come out this weekend to look at our computer, but I have to work both days, so maybe next weekend I can find out from "Mr. Microsoft" what's up and then I can share. Calli

Tycen said...

I was wondering! I have been posting long, thoughtful, deep and insightful comments on every post. It's too bad that all that insight is now lost. The world will never know what it missed. Tragic.

Anonymous said...

I, too, have had multiple comments appear, only to disappear a while later ... I'm so glad I'm not the only one Blogger doesn't appreciate!