Tuesday, January 29, 2008


"Mom? Can you draw a bunny for me?"
"Ooooooh! THATS a nice bunny!"
"Thank you, Ryan."
So, in retrospect, when he says dinner is de-LI-cious! I need to take this particular instance into account.


Tifani said...

Awesome. Good boy, Ryan, always the encourager! He's just learning appropriate responses to girls, Trace. "You do NOT look fat in those jeans!" "Your cookies are the best EVER!" "I love your new hairstyle!"

Krissy said...

Seriously is that the best you can do? Did you draw it with your right hand by chance? HA! Well I am glad that Ryan really liked it.

I also agree with Tifani and how Ryan is slowly learning how to respond to women. I am glad you are teaching him early on....could you imagine if he were to turn out to be like his Uncle Brett and his remarks?!?!?!?!?!?

Tracy said...

Welll, I was holding David while drawing this...and it was kind of a quick "appease the kid" thing...I just thought his response was hilarious. SO appreciative.

Krissy said...

Oh we do appreciate! And I love his response.

Anonymous said...

I could tell immediately what it was, so I agree with Ryan - it IS a good bunny! Better than I could draw, anyway! ;)