Tuesday, January 29, 2008


What you can't see:

*blowing snow swirling around at amazing speeds, obstructing views of the road, buildings, etc.

*7 degree temps with negative something windchill

*my disappointment at the weather, which was so warm yesterday and today is just...terrible!

*seed catalogs spread out on our dining room table as we peruse, dream, and plan for warmer days ahead.


Anonymous said...

How frigid that looks - and sounds! Looks a bit like you are in a snowglobe. Brrrr...stay warm!
Love you.

Stephanie said...

I'm back at it! Come see my blog and visit often! I hope to stay on top of things!

Tifani said...

Watching that video made me shiver!Michael and I were amazed at just how cold and frosty that looks.. brr! Do you guys have electric blankets, by the way? Seems like they might come in handy in this weather!

Mom G said...

In flying home on Monday that "white stuff" was everywhere, from Chicago to Seattle. I think we even made some off the beaten path "whoops" and there was even snow below us then. What a winter!! I should have left my fuzzy bathrobe back there for the boys to cuddle in, ha. Stay warm you 4. In the past, God has always followed winter with spring (I think) Love you bunches!