Tuesday, January 29, 2008

For the Boeing Guys

Ok, not really. But I'm sure they will get an earfull of this new updated version of twinkle twinkle little star. After the first video, I thought it would be neat to sit the kids in the same chair as they grow up, singing the same song. Already you can see changes in Ryan- he can say "s" now (not "twinkle twinkle little dar..."

You might also note that David is much more active than last appearance.He doesn't quite understand/ like the whole "sitting for the camera" thing. It might just be me, but the first few times I watched this it made me laugh out loud. I love the over dramatization of Ryan and, well, the end. I love the end.

Here you go:

Also, I was able to inadvertently get a great shot of David's two front teeth.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful "duet"! David is certainly no longer the itty baby, and Ryan is quite the little performer. Love the song (especially those really low notes), love the sharp little teeth, and really love those adorable boys!

Krissy said...

Tracy this is sooooo adorable! I love that he can sing the song all by himself now. He is getting so old. And I love his reaction to David's hand "attacking" him.

What an awseome shot of David's teeth. I have tried to get one of Chloe and none have turned out even remotely this good.

I cannot wait to see all of you in June.

Anonymous said...

What "beyond sweethearts" they are. Oma loves that singin', you know Sir David was just letting Ryan know that he was at the end of the song, ha. Blessed kids, just wait until David starts walking this summer, then they'll really become the inseperable 2some. Love you 4!!

Michael / Tifani said...

Oh my goodness, Tracy. I just listened to this several times in a row, and it made me laugh so much! Ryan really wanted to emphasize "star" and "are." That was hilarious. And the ending was classic. Love you guys!