Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Farmwife Feats of WONDER!

Our chickens have started laying once again. Oh, they would give us eggs over the winter, sure. But now that the days are a bit longer, the ladies are a bit happier and they are a-layin like all get out. Nowadays we can plan on about 10-12 per day.

Last fall, this was a bit overwhelming. I would almost groan as Phil walked in the door with the basket of eggs. Oh, not e-lev-en! Our fridge was full of cartons, then bowls of eggs. Out of necessity, they were placed higgledly-piggeldly on the shelves, and multiple fights...no, discussions were had on the dates, which were newer, which were older. How long had these been here? WHY WAS THERE NO ROOM FOR REAL FOOD?

Thankfully, we started talking to people about these eggs, and OH my did they respond with cartons. During their winter hiatus, we had received and stored nearly 40 egg cartons. Now, I can grab a carton, write the date collected on the top, and stack them neatly in the fridge to be used or given away.

Also, I have been collecting many recipes that call for eggs. No wonder farm families ate so well, THEY HAD NO OPTION. If you wanted to use 4 gallons of milk one gallon of cream and 80 eggs per week you had better get a-baking.

And, so, here is my Farmwife Feat of the Day: I used 51 eggs this morning.
Two loaves of bread- 4 eggs
2 Lemon Meringue pies: 12 eggs
Raisin Bread French Toast: 3 eggs
2 egg casseroles - 20 eggs
1 dozen given to neighbors: 12 eggs

Considering this used up 5 days worth of eggs, I'm pretty pleased with myself. Now, where's that dairy cow? Bring it on, I say.


Sonja said...

I have one thing to say - you are amazing! Way to go!!

Tifani said...

Holy cow (or chicken)!! You are amazing. I agree with Sonja.

What is egg casserole, by the way? Is that like quiche?

Next up: Flan. Did I ever tell you I attempted to make one at home later, but because I poured the egg mixture over the carmelized sugar before it was 100% cooled, it had a disgusting texture? Yeah, don't do that.

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of cooking for a whole day, let alone one morning! I'm always excited when I manage to use 18 eggs before the expiration date.

Another option - Angel Food cake. It uses about a dozen eggs.

I second Tif's question - what IS egg casserole? And what did you do with two of them?

Love you!

Krissy said...

Teach me your ways oh wise one. I sometimes have trouble figuring out what to do with the dozen eggs that I get from the store. But then again I don't cook a feast of deserts in a day...or even in a week. Way to find ways to use them all.

Krissy said...

Teach me your ways oh wise one. I sometimes have trouble figuring out what to do with the dozen eggs that I get from the store. But then again I don't cook a feast of deserts in a day...or even in a week. Way to find ways to use them all.

Tracy said...

Oh my- Breakfast Egg Casserole is a wonderful new recipe I snitched from a friend back here. I make one for us on like Tuesday mornings, and then pop it in the fridge and reheat throughout the next few days. It keeps extremely well and makes a fast breakfast, too.
Egg Casserole:
2.5 cups cubed bread spread out in 9x13 pan
Mix together:
10 eggs
2.5 cups milk
1 tsp mustard powder (trust me, its good)
1 cups grated cheese (cheddar is good)
1 pound cooked bacon or italian sausage, drained.
1/2 tsp salt

Pour above mixture over the bread in the pan. Stick this in the fridge overnight and pull out to bake in the morning. Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes until a knife inserted comes out clean. It's a fantastic saturday treat, too.

Also, no, we did not eat all of that food. We had a new baby at church and they received some of the spoils, as well as a few other neighbors and such.

Oh tif, I need to make some more flan- that was SO good. You have me all nervous though...I need to call you for good directions on it!

Mom- the angelfood cake is another one I need to try, but again...a bit nervous. I have been recommended that one a couple of times and just don't yet have the guts to give it a shot. BUT I should learn before spring- what better way to eat strawberry shortcake? Mmmm

Anonymous said...

I have a fairly easy Angel Food cake recipe that I will send you before Spring - remind me if I forget, please! And thanks for the Egg Casserole recipe. It sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhh. . . . Dad will be so proud of "the girls" and how they're continuing to lay, even without his being there to talk to them each morning, ha. Way to go Ma Grossman. . . . put some of that in the freezer to make lighter days for yourself too. Love you!