Monday, December 03, 2007


Brother, you amaze me with your unceasing rambunctiousness. Teach me your ways, oh rowdy one!

Mom. I'm inside. You know I'm not cold. I know, I know, the hat is cute. And you squeal with delight at how it makes my face look pudgy and flushed. Let's take it off now. Ok now.


Krissy said...

I LOVE THEM!!!! Give me more!!!!!!

Krissy said...

Chloe has the same scratch on her face! The are so much alike.

Tifani said...

Cute little pudgy arms! Cutie little baby face! I love you, David!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...David is just delectable! I so want to hug, kiss and snuggle him! And yes, I can see it in his adoring eyes - all too soon he will be following in his big brother's "rambunctious" footsteps. Enjoy the "calm"!
Love you all so much - and please keep these pictures coming!

Mandapanda said...

It is so great to see these pictures! David is adorable - you have two of the cutest little guys, and they are growing up so fast. David's got some chubby cheeks that certainly rival joshua's for cuteness and "must-pinch-them"-ness! Miss you and love you - hope you're staying warm.

Sheddin' Grma said...

Sweet sweet babe! I can't wait to have some cuddle time again. Such busy times, but such fun, do enjoy them Tracy, they go by much too fast. Love you all!