Monday, December 03, 2007


In searching through pictures for my sister, I came across a few things I had to share with you all. This video is of Ryan when he was about David's age. Anyhow, I had no idea how similar they looked until I saw this video. AND can you believe he is so big now? Well, his mom can't.

For comparison, here is one of David I took this morning.

And, then just some pictures. The top two are Ryan, the bottom one is David. Brothers? Probably. When we showed Ryan these pictures this morning he was INSISTENT that they were of David. Which, being that we are two and for the past week consistently contrary, was no suprise.
Who's that? David?
No, that's YOU when you were a baby!
No, its not me. It's David.
No, look, its you!
No! Its not Ryan! Its Davey!
Oh, love, don't be contentious.
No. I not being cotenshush!


Emily said...

Oh, so cute! That smile in the first video is unmistakably Ryan's!

Anonymous said...

Those squeals! The happiness! Proof that they are, indeed, brothers (not that there was any doubt)! What sweet, sweet boys. Between these clips and Chloe's, how's a Gramma suppose to get anything done other than sit and watch the grandkids? ;)
Love you all.

Sonja said...

Oh Tracy, what sweet pictures and videos! They sure do grow-up fast!

Krissy said...

I love the videos and pictures. I can totally see that they are look-a-like brothers. Hey maybe they will end up being like we were...twins to some people. Oh man you have a lot of fun ahead of you.

I also like in the end on David's video you can see big brother Ryan's foot going for his baby brother's head!Or maybe he just wanted up on the couch too.

Keep the cute videos coming!