Monday, December 03, 2007


Every morning Ryan wakes up asking for dinner or breakfast or food. I suppose most kids do...but this will be the second thing he mentions ("I wake up" "Let's eat food.") almost in one continuous string as he walks directly from the stairs to the kitchen. As I mentioned before, he is quick to help himself if I am unwilling to set immediately about this task. Yesterday morning he came out of the fridge (7:30am) with this Tupperware full of cold leftover green beans and a spoon.
With a bit of a chuckle I asked him if he would like me to warm them up. "No thanks, mom. Just cold. Open please?" was my response. Half a container later, he asked for some milk.
The origins of this photo are a bit...unnerving...but basically Phil decided that Millie (our bottle-lamb turned sheep) was quite tame enough to maybe even ride. And wouldn't it be neat to have a saddle? Wouldn't Ryan want to ride on a sheep? So he bundled up his oldest son and brought him outside to begin the coaxing. "Ryan, do you want to ride the sheep over to get eggs?" Warily, Ryan stood 5 feet away and politely replied "No, let's just walk." Eventually dad got his way and propped him up on the sheep. I think Phil had grand ideas of Millie galloping off with a Ryan holding on tightly, squealing with delight...instead Ryan held firmly to the sheep's fur, but was adamant that dad stay right there. The sheep ran out from under Ryan, and much to Phil's dismay, both parties were unwilling to try again. You would think we could just work on riding a bike or something.
One of my favorite things to do is watch Ryan reading his books. He will sit, turning the pages slowly, examining each of the pictures. This morning the scene was complete with tousled hair and buzz lightyear pajamas. All boy.


Anonymous said...

What's with guys and their wanting kids to ride animals (and I don't mean horses!)? My uncle tried to convince me to ride his boxer dog...I politely refused, and stayed a LOOONG ways away from that dog for a very long time!
Ryan is such a cutie...not many people know the joy of cold green beans for breakfast! ;)
Love you all so very much!

Mandapanda said...

I do have to say, though...that there has to be at least a teeny bit of support from mom about thsi sheep-riding adventure for her to be standing by in the freezing cold with a camera :c) Sometimes I wonder if pictures like that just "happen" while no one is looking...ya know, dad and little guy coming inside with their sheep-riding story (looking sheepish perhaps? oh that a dad joke or what?), but no no no, mom was out there the whole time with the camera! Love you and miss you - oh and you should definitely add Aunt Sydney to your faithful readers list (on my blog you'd posted about your mom and Kris). Keep up the great posts and pictures!

Tracy said...

Haha you are SO right on Manda. While it was certainly NOT my idea and while I did support the resistence of such a sport, I knew that I could not miss the photo opportunity...what our kids endure for the pictures...

Anonymous said...

Blessed baby, COLD green beans for breakfast?? He and Oma are going to have to have a talk, when he was out helping to pick those things last summer, I didn't think that I was giving him the impression that they were "breakfast food", ha. Such a joy!!

Krissy said...

Oh sis how I love that kid! could you ever imagine him at a buffet? SCARRY! What a wonderful and helpful kid you have there. "don't worry mom, i'll get it myself, don't worry about me today"

Thankfully right now Brett is only trying to get Chloe to ride on his shoulders. I am very glad that we do not have pets!

Tifani said...

Haha, Ryan, you are a hoot!

Emily said...

I'm glad you got a picture of the sheep craziness. That's classic!