Monday, December 03, 2007

New Market for Dave

We have been working diligently on potty training in our house. There has been much weeping and gnashing of teeth on part of mom...shameless M&M/candy cane/Hershey kiss bribes...and only (wow, I didn't realize it had been so long) 5 or so months after I started the process, dear son is making huge headway.
I have heard recommendations from other mom's that we have a P.T. boot-camp, if you will. You send them in diapers, retrieve them in pants. No fuss, no muss. I'll vote for it. After this...experience...yes, I would definitely vote for it.
Tonight as we were settling down, the little guy asked for a hug. Then he looked up at me with big, blue eyes and said "Treat, mom?"
"Oh, sweetheart, you know those are for when you go potty."
"Yah. I go potty!"
"No, for after...not before."
"No, I go potty! Can I havva treat now, please?"
Oh my.
So, I know they have Dave Ramsey classes for high school kids, but do you think they have a preschooler edition? Because this whole Treats on Credit for Potty thing makes me wonder if Visa has been sending him mail without my knowledge.
"0 percent APR on all M&M transfers! Defer potty-going until 2009! Don't let going potty get in the way of building blocks or making trains! Have your diapers and eat candy, too!"
Those credit companies are shameless, I tell you.


Tycen said...

That's pretty funny! Dave could also help him learn how to budget out his treats so that he has some when he needs them. It'll also teach him to set up a treat emergency fund with 3-6 days of treats in case potty times get tough. Another part of the class could talk about treat insurance - protecting his treats in case something unexpected should happen. And I could go on...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the laugh! And I also really like Tycen's comment. You guys are great.

Oh an Tracy, Ryan probably DID go potty, either a little in his pants - maybe not enough to share it with you - and or I know he went potty at least one time before, maybe it was a day or two ago, but he did use the potty! You should reward him for that right? Isn't that how it works? I think that might be where Ryan is coming from.

What a darling little boy! He is so smart and creative. You will truly have your hands full with him.

Sydney said...

Tracy, I took a sec away from finishing wrapping, baking, cleaning -- and washing the sheepdog -- to read your hilarious and sweet blog entry. Imagine all the M&M credit tips and techniques Ryan will pass on to David when the time comes. And all the mailing lists your amazing toddler is signing up for!
Good luck with the potty training, honey. And know how much we miss and love all four of you always.
Aunt Sydney

Anonymous said...

Is Ryan reading stock market reports? Sounds to me like he is planning a career in high finance, practicing on treats in preparation for trading corn and hog futures...! He is an amazing kid - certainly knows how to keep you on your toes!
Love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

Wellllll, I really don't understand the problem. How does Ryan know that you'll always "pay up" on time? I do remember times last summer when the M&M jar was running a little low.
You know, I've heard stories of his Opa hiding bread in his drawers when he was little. Must in the genes, ha. Love you 4!!