Monday, December 03, 2007

Look Out John Deere

One of the frustrations I have consistently had when taking pictures of the landscape here is the inability of my camera to capture the brilliance of colors, the wide expanse of the land or sky. Yesterday, for the first time, the digital and real world melded and I was able to capture the beauty that is our clear, blue sky.
Winter. Snow stays indefinitely when faced with sub-freezing days, strung together one after another in the forecasts of the days ahead: like puffy popcorn strung up in preparation for Christmas . But oh, so beautiful.
The trees yesterday morning were frosted with a freezing fog- nothing like I have ever seen. No snow, no ice storm, no rain. Just a thick, thick fog that attaches to the tiny needles of evergreens; coats the nobs and fingers of leafless trees; grows crystals on hammers as Phil works on this siding of a house. Then, with the afternoon sun, its gone.
Ryan has taken to more quiet activities (like throwing the cushions off the couch and jumping on the springs screaming "APPLESAUCE! APPLESAUCE!"). And sometimes, when he is feeling extra relaxed, he will pull out Lego's, make towers and tumble them. But the other day he made this Harvester. By himself. He spent the evening "hardesting corn and beans".


Krissy said...

Oh my gosh Tracy, it is so beautiful out there right now. It makes me want to come and see you....well maybe not with all the shnow, but I really do love the fact that you have beautiful landscapes year round.

I am so glad that Ryan seems to be calming down for you :) Just wait until they are both able to be so wonderful and work together (like we did) sorry mom for that.

Anonymous said...

These pictures would be perfect for Christmas cards - the sky is so extremely blue and the trees so lacy and white. They almost look like you painted them! Truly beautiful.
Ryan's creativity is wonderful, as is his imagination (applesauce???). I look forward to the day when Ryan and David conspire two other little siblings I'm particularly fond of! hehe

Tifani said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures!! Breathtaking landscape..

Ryan's bouncy, new "quiet" game is quite amusing to picture. You'll have to get a video of that if he does it again. Ryan looks so proud of his "hardester," too. How fun!

Anonymous said...

WOW, beautiful pictures, Tracy. Tis' the season to cuddle up in an afaghan, pop some popcorn and enjoy a good book or video. I hadn't thought about jumping on the couch springs to stay warm, ha. Blessed kiddo, he's going to be a "creator" like his Papa. Love you 4!

Emily said...

Those are really beautiful pictures, Tracy! Although the midwest can be very stark (or maybe harsh is the right word?!), it can also be very striking, calm and breathtaking, all at once. Thanks, as always, for sharing your pictures with us!