Monday, December 03, 2007

Heat Wave

Tonight the low will be -1 degree, according to About a month ago, a nice ice storm came and covered our roads, lawns, and sidewalks with a layer of frozen water, only to be then covered again by snow. The ground, normally visible for a majority of the winter, has been white and cumbersome - continuously demanding snowboots and scoffing at snowshovels, which are no match for the ice so strongly adhered to the path. And though technically winter has just begun, it feels like it should be ending.
Oh, long winter, show us mercy.
So when I look at the 10 day forecast and it shows a 51 degree day coming up on Sunday, I do a little jig, ever so giddy that there is a heat wave on the horizon. It might even melt the snow and the ice. But, to get there, we still have days of below zero temps, let alone the "windchill factor", which amounts to eight gazillion below zero when you are in the country without much around you to slow down the freight-train wind.


Krissy said...

Enjoy the warm weather while you have it! I can't imagine how cold it is out there. And I hear it can get even colder yet! Stay warm ok.

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrrrr...cuddle under blankets, drink lots of hot chocolate, read good books...well, at least stay warm! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Now if "I" were out in the country about this time under those conditions, I'd just leave my Christmas decorations up and let the Christmas CDs blare. You have no next door neighbors that are close enough to be eyeing you suspiciously or starting the rumors, questioning your mental health, ha. See you guys soon! Love, Calli

Michael / Tifani said...

Heat wave?! Break out the shorts and suntan lotion, this one is going down in history! But seriously, I hope the sheet of ice that so generously covers your sidewalk, lawn and streets melts away so that the rest of winter is more manageable. Keep toasty, Grossmanns! Sending warm thoughts of hot chocolate your way...

Tracy said...

Thank you all...yes, it's been a few very cold days- but today it is supposed to start going up- a high of 23 they say!
Yes, Tif, I do have that sweet potato recipe -and I have shared it, too, I love it so much! Mmm! Wait, I mean, no...I don't have it...will you come make it for me? =) haha!

Mandapanda said...

I truly cannot imagine myself surviving weather that cold. I have no idea how you don't just hide inside all day...maybe it took awhile to shake off your Northwest attitudes about the terror of a few snowflakes or a tiny sparkle of ice on the road, as well as the exhilarating feeling that maybe school will be canceled (even if you're not in school), but anyway - I'm proud of you!