Saturday, August 04, 2007

37 Weeks and Counting

Then, all of the sudden Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump. Little feet running down the upstairs hallway, pounding on the hardwood floor.
He runs everywhere now, I think to myself.
"MAMA! I GO NY- Night!" he yells triumphantly from the top of the stairs.
"Good job!" I reply, because even though we both know he had no choice, he makes this remark with such enthusiasm that you would think he had just built a small castle from toothpicks in his room. I have to respond with equal enthusiasm.
I hear his footsteps climb steadily down the stairs. He comes into sight at the landing.
"MAMA! I get DOWN!" He emphasizes "down" because we both know this is the true accomplishment. A big boy bed means he can get DOWN whenever he wants. No need to wait on mom to come and get him out of the crib.
He is growing up.

The garden is putting on fruit and veggies, peaches and corn are in season. I will be 38 weeks pregnant on Monday. We have been so busy that even though I am half-way through my 9th month I have yet to count down a day. So far, my mom-in-law and I have put up:
31 pints of salsa
22 quarts of frozen onions
41 quarts of frozen corn
23 pints of green beans
8 pints of jalapeno peppers (sliced)
29 half-pints of apricot jam
23 quarts of apricot sauce

Today I hope to get to the pepper jam we love so much, as well. We have also cleaned and re-organized my canning room and the laundry room downstairs. Phew. I am ready for baby to get here (hey, who wants to wait for a small bundle of happiness like a baby?) and at the same time I am really enjoying making such progress on my goals and prep for winter. We have a lot of "winterizing" we would like to do before the chill sets in, and having a new little one will make that more difficult.

I suppose I will just take it a day at a it to God on when He wants to give us our little man.


I am an Auntie all over again, too! My sister had her little girl Chloe Elizabeth last Thursday (which makes her one week and two days old today). It is striking to me how different she is even from Ryan- aside from her dark complexion and hair, her arms and legs sprawl out as she sleeps (for the first month Ryan's were curled close in) and she sleeps...a LOT (which, truly, just makes her my sister's kid.)

In the hospital my sister called me and explained that this was indeed her baby. 'Uh huh..." I replied. "Well, see, if I put her on the hard bed that the hospital provides, she will only sleep like 5 minutes. But if she is laying on my lap on a pillow cuddled in a soft blanket next to me, she will sleep forever."

And this makes her my sister's baby because Krissy was one who, growing up, had a pillow-top mattress, a feather bed on top of that, 6 pillows of varying softness, one body pillow, and a light, soft feather comforter. She was so protective of her bed setup that she knew if I tried to switch out one of my pillows for one of hers.

I slept on my futon with a quilt and some sheets.

A creature who loves comfort she truly is. Baby is beautiful and sleeps more than any new mom deserves. She came just a few days before her due date and was 8lbs 2oz. Fun!

I also became an extended Auntie to a baby Levi Anderson, who is the new son of our good friends Tycen and Sonja (you may have seen them comment on here before). Levi decided he really wasn't willing to miss the family photo his mom painstakingly arranged, and came into this world at 33 and a half weeks (might I add, on Family Photo day!).

He is a trooper, and though most babies require lots of intervention at this early age, he has really defied the odds, breathing on his own right from the start. He is so teensie and perfect with adorable chubby cheeks.


All of these babies are really just making me excited for my own to come. Ryan sees all of the little baby stuff around and knows that it belongs to "baby brover". His two bears:a coast guard bear (from Uncle Eric) and his small brown bear (from Grandpa Johnson) sleep consistently under the co-sleeper in the little zippered compartment. His giraffe spends a lot of time rocking to music in the swing.

I just hope that we can explain that once baby is know...the giraffe might have to scoot over a bit.

1 comment:

Tifani said...

Thanks for your updates! Ryan is getting big. He's going to be such a good big brother.

You're a crazy woman doing all that canning.. especially being so pregnant.

Lots of baby excitement! Baby Chloe.. Baby Levi.. and almost a baby Grossman!