Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mom's Helper

Me: Oh Ryan. Mama is SO tired!
I fall down in mock faint on the couch, legs weak and back aching from 35 weeks of pregnancy.
Me: Will you carry baby brother around for me just for a little bit?
Ryan: Sure!
He runs in from the play room a few feet away, clamors up on the couch next to me, and attempts to wrap his arms around my stomach. His little hands barely reach my sides and I feel his grip tugging on my shirt.
Ryan: (audibly straining) So...'evy!


Tycen said...

Sure, it's cute now, but in about 20 years when he wraps his arms around mom's belly and tries to lift and says "So...'evy!"...it probably won't be so cute, then.

Wow - 35 weeks - getting close!

Tifani said...

Sooo adorable! I miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely precious! Ryan is such a wonderful helper! Love and miss you all.