Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ryan the Builder

After making some great garage sale finds, we put together a play room for Ryan. One of the coolest things we found was this sturdy kid's height table for $5. His whole train set fits on it with room to spare. With all of this room, we have been building cities with blocks for the trains to circle around.
Ryan built this "house" for the "workers". We think he might just be the Jenga State Champion by the time he is three. He just loves stacking up towers, knocking them down, and building them up again. One day he was asking Grandma to build a tower. She replied "Oh, I don't know. My towers always fall down.You might have to build one for me." Without saying anything, he started stacking blocks in a horizontal row in front of her (think train versus tower). Then, he smushed a "worker" between two of the blocks. Like "See, Grandma? Here's one that won't fall down. Even YOU can build a worker house."
Everything is becoming more of a process. For example, he uses a hammer to build lego towers, gingerly placing one on top of the other, grabbing his hammer and pounding it into place. He will be a solid builder like his dad, for sure.
With the hot weather he has also learned to capitalize on a small hole in the hose. When I first saw it, I thought "Oh man, I'll have to get a new hose." But seriously, this is entertainment central for half an hour at a time outside. I water the garden, he gets soaked. Pure Joy. It's so warm here today that, with his gentle coaxing "Chom ahn" and a tilt of the head, he had mom, dad, AND Grandma taking turns through the makeshift sprinkler. I would post those pictures but I think I might get sued (yes, even though they are family). I also have to mention (for my Seattle-ite friends) two other Ryan-isms. First, when we play play-dough, his favorite items to make are turtles, worms and coffee. Lots of coffee. (Think ball of bright orange play-dough smashed into a plastic cup). And, secondly, Michael, whenever we hear a plane outside he jumps up, runs to the window and yells "pane!" or "hebicopter!" Each time he does this, I am shown again that all of those B-25 discussions when he was so tiny really paid off.


Stephanie said...

God was sure thinking when he created kids. They are our pride and joy! Keep smiling and enjoy the days you have with only Ryan - soon there will be two! Soon you will have double the joy!

Anonymous said...

I love that little creative mind of his. I am so glad that when he is building, he takes extra steps to "secure" the blocks into place with his hammer.

I am glad that I didn't go out and buy him a sprinkler (which I had also suggested to mom), you have a much better one with more uses.

Love you all.

Tracy said...

Ryan actually received a really neat fish sprinkler for his birthday from Tycen and Sonja. After his carrying it around for the remainder of April, its now ready for use outside. While we have had all of the dry weather out here, it is wonderful, however, to use holes in the hose as kid deterrent while I am watering! (Ha, I am sure he prefers the fish sprinkler, though!)

Tifani said...

Great pictures! Ryan looks like he is having so much fun. The towers are great. The make-shift sprinkler reminds me of when my brother and I were little and we liked to "paint" the house (bucket of water + paint brush = hours of entertainment). Michael will be excited about the airplane-ears! :)

Anonymous said...

He is so cute Tracy! You've done such a great job of raising him!

Emily said...

Hey, Tracy, could you try sending me an invite to the Reclaiming Home blog again? I've not been receiving anything which is kinda weird. You can always use emilyjc18@hotmail.com as a back-up.

Michael / Tifani said...

I'm proud of you guys, especially allowing Ryan to run after planes when they beckon him. That a sign of genius yessiree. I say, I say boy, that boy's gonna amount to somethin shore nuff. (MH)

Michael / Tifani said...

Here are some good museums for ya'll to visit:
1) Airpower Museum - Ottumwa, IA. Very good for young men to exerience. 515-938-2773.
2) Iowa ANG 132nd FW - Des Moines Intl Airport. Has an A7 & a F100. 515-287-9210.
3) Iowa ANG 185th FG - Sioux City. Has A7, F100, T33. 712-279-7500.
4) Iowa Avaiation Preservation Center - Greenfield. Great little museum literally in corn field. Has WWI planes!! 515-343-7184
5) National Balloon Museum - Indianola. Lot of hot air. 515-961-3714.