Friday, November 10, 2006

New Translation?

Me: This is getting bad. I drink like four cups of coffee a day.
P: I know. We drink more coffee now than we ever have before.
Me: I didn't have any last night and now I have a headache- I've gotta have some really early this morning.
P: Yup, bring yourself back to that normal level of "extremely caffeinated."
Me: Exactly. Now where's that coffee?
P: And you know, in the end times, when everyone turns into cannibals, they will bite into one of us and and go "WOW! THOSE people are definitely not from around here! Give you a zing, don't they!"
Me: Will there be cannibals in the end times?
P: Oh, I guess I don't know. Sure?
Me: "Are these like those Seattle morsels we hear about? You know, the ones that actually taste like Starbucks?"
P: Ok, that's taking it too far.
Me: Hey! You introduced the people eaters- don't blame this downward spiral on me!


Anonymous said...

I love my coffe. Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, A&P, Hazelnet and it has to be strong!
Love expresso!

Anonymous said...

I think you're seriously at risk for caffeine-overdose. Check your symptoms immediately to be sure.

Symptoms of Caffeine Overdose in adults may include:

- Sleeping trouble
- Muscle twitching
- Confusion
- In and out of consciousness
- Urination - increased
- Increased thirst
- Death
- Fever
- Breathing trouble
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Irregular heartbeat
- Rapid heart beat
- Hallucinations
- Dizziness
- Convulsions

So... if you're twitching, thirsty, seeing things and dying -- think about cutting back on the coffee, okay?

(this is a public service announcement from a fellow addict)

Anonymous said...

Oh, see, that's where I draw the line. I will make a point of cutting back on caffeine if I die, k?

Anonymous said...

a quick cure for this is a tall glass of raw, but partially stirred egg