Friday, November 03, 2006

Little Chef

I love helping mom when she is cooking! I get to stand on a chair...pour stuff into bowls...and even smash the spoon around in all the goop! Did you know that flour tastes good? Try it sometime- just take a big handful and put it in your mouth (quick-like so yer mom doesn't catch ya, though).
My favorite part is when she leaves the room to get eggs or sumptin and you can eat from the end of the spoon (you gotta play it cool when she comes back in, though, she doesn't take too kindly to such a thing).
Above all, my favorite part of the whole shebang is the end, when she puts down the batter mixer and I can snitch it - so much good stuff on there! Mmm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flour? Ick! Your Auntie Tiffy has got to teach you the GOOD stuff to snitch, Ryan. Any recipe that has chocolate in it is good.. but I'd skip the dry ingredients alone if I were you, kiddo.