Monday, June 22, 2009

Don't forget me!

Yesterday we spent he afternoon with some friends in celebration of Father's day. During the preparations for lunch, their son had to have a bit of discipline....which is no stranger in our home, either =)
Anyhow, we ended up eating lunch and after cleaning up, started playing a card game. Halfway through, C (the dad) suddenly got up and walked upstairs without a word. A minute later he came back downstairs laughing.
"I just wanted to make sure my son knows I love him. I went into where the kids were playing and said 'P, I love you.'" There was a bit of silence, and then Ryan looked up and said matter-of-factly "Ryan's here, too." (Third person reference and all.)
So, our friend chuckled and said "I love you too, Ryan. I love it when you come over to play."
To which Ryan replied "I know. Sometimes we do come over to play, and sometimes we don't."


Mom J said...

I also loved it when he told Grandpa, upon being asked to talk to his Mom (because there was a MAJOR storm threat in the vicinity), "No, this is Ryan. You are talking to Ryan now." What a crackup!

Mom G said...

Blessed kids, I just love listening to what cmes out of their little hearts and minds. If I had the opportunity for a "do over" with my own 3some I'd make the time to be quiet and listen more.

Krissy said...

I absolutely love the boy he is growing into. I love our 15 minute conversations before you even get on the phone. Thank you for having him, well both of your boys actually. They always keep us on our toes and very entertained.