Friday, September 26, 2008

Man on a mission

Though it looked daunting a few weeks back, this has been an amazing start to a fall. What with 75 degree days, pure, crisp breeze in the morning and calm, whispering evenings filled with crickets, there has been much to be grateful for.

Tonight before dinner Phil took a walk down to the water (an old, overgrown bridge with a weensie stream flowing beneath) with Ryan. I caught them on their way back. I had carried David out there, hoping to just take a minute to snap a picture of the wonderful Fall evening (hence the stocking-feet). Alas, I should have known better. Now that the 1year- old can walk, that is all he wants to do. That and climb. But this walking, its a must. My once calm, boy, content to sit in a wagon and watch the world go by as the family gardened, has all at once realized that this world he has been observing? He can be a part of it! He can touch, taste, smell, throw, tug, build, explore and oh, my, does he have a fervor for it. Now, he is constantly trying to crane his neck this way and that, arch his body in just the right way, so "Mom will stop this whole "carrying" nonsense and let me free already!"

And, I realized that though I mentioned he learned to toddle around while mom was here, I have not shared any videos of the little guy. As we pass this new milestone...a vivid and vibrant one, I am once again struck with the amazing blessing these two kids are to me.

Notes on the video: Phil and Ryan caught a tiny snake on their way back to the house, and are discussing it behind me. When David isn't responding to me, he is watching his brother intently. That's pretty much the way it is around here. feels quite comfortable, because I always made sure to keep my little sibling's full attention. Also, the road is the one directly in front of our house, headed to a grassy and impassable end. The opposite direction is three miles of twice-a-day-traveled road (we get mail). Don't worry, we don't let him run on normal streets. This one barely counts.


Anonymous said...

Pidder padder, those baby feet, what a joy to see his determined plodding along. It just doesn't seem possible that he's walking, but then again we haven't seem him since spring, so lots of changes. I can't get over how much his hair has lightened up from that little dark haired guy we saw back in January. Snakes on the road hugh? I think I'll stick with the "bunny sightings" with Ryan, ha. Love you 4 and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, little guy. He is doing so wonderfully well with his walking, although I'm sure there are more than a few 'splats'! It won't be long till you won't be able to find Ryan OR David...they will be off running in the pasture, or down to the stream, or chasing bunnies & frogs, or...who knows! And that is as it should be...the freedom of childhood...and you will be growing yet another eye to keep them in sight! Love you all so much!