Friday, August 01, 2008

David Turns One!

This past weekend we decided it was time to finish Chicken Palace. What with its recycled wood exterior, partially completed (also recycled) roof and weedy, fenced-in run, we knew visitors questioned whether it was coming down or going up. Oh! I can't wait for you to see it now. (Pins and needles, I know!)

Up to the roof went Phil to finish framing in for steel, while Ryan and I worked on weeding and clearing out the run. David, being still an Infant, took the coveted "observer" position.

See, before his birthday yesterday, which officially made him a "toddler" he was exempt from arduous farm duties.

While his brother was made to pull weeds (unimaginably tall, stalky weeds requiring the entire force of his body), David sat back and made faces at him.

Oh, he would probably say they were "grins" or "smiles" but we older siblings clearly recognize a mocking laugh when we see one.

And when he felt he needed a little rest, he just lay back, unconcerned with the duties of those around him.
In fact, he did this little "lay down, get up" move quite a few times, alternating it with a giggle to his brother. Ryan, on the other side excitedly pointed to him "Maahm! Lookit David! He's bein' silly!" But mom, a seasoned older sibling, knew the truth.

And as I worked with my older son, cooing at my younger one on the other side of the fence, I thought to myself "live it up kid. A few more days and blammo! You will be a toddler. And you know what that means...chores!"

Oh, my sweet boy- now that you are a bonafide toddler, you have no idea the world that awaits you.

*Disclaimer: Even though we live on a farm, we wait until the kids are at least walking to assign chores. Although we have thought of making a sort of pack** for him to cart around things without the use of his hands.

**Don't worry grandma's, I'm just kidding. Truly. We have a three year old to do all of our packing.


Michael / Tifani said...

Happy Birthday, David!! We were thinking about you yesterday! You have such a responsible and strong older brother to teach you the ways of farm chorin', we are sure you will catch the hang of it in no time.

Post some Chicken Palace pictures soon! I love the shots of the boys, too. Ryan looks like he's working really hard, and David is so content watching all the action. :)

Anonymous said...

Such good pictures of the birthday boy, oh he has grown. And that older brother, I'm not sure if he was actually working or not, I thought that I could hear some giggles. I remember 2 little boys that were supposedly helping their parents rake walnut leaves. . . only upon near completion to see "that" glint in theie eyes and before Dad or I could say "don't you dare" they had both made a run for the pile and covered themselves in a "leaf fight". There's something about "piles" and boys, you can't keep them seperated, ha. Fun days, such good memories. Am like Tifani, am anxiously awaiting "Chicken Palace's" opening day. Love you 4