Thursday, March 20, 2008

Getting Strong

When you live three miles from your nearest neighbor, you don't think much about what you wear in your house. Or your front yard. Your kids can wear pajamas outside and no neighbors gossip about it. Chores? Chorin' can be done in bright pink boots with a bathrobe covering all else and? Nope. Still no one cares. However, I don't own pink boots and I like to keep my bathrobe clean...but I COULD IF I WANTED TO and that's really the point.

The problem is I get a bit lazy with this beautiful freedom we have. We dress more for comfort (what in this closet is warm...) rather than style (oh! Here! Buzz Lightyear pajama pants...perfect!)

We dress all warm and then? Then my little guy goes and does something adorable and I can't help but capture it to share with you all. And even as I am taking this video, I am wishing I had something a bit more...normal on him. But you know what? I think you can look past the buzz lightyear pajama pants which clash with his bright yellow sweatshirt and don't work at all with his SNOW BOOTS that I put on him even in the lack of snow because they are warm. What crazy concoction mommy put him in really isn't his fault. I couldn't help but let you watch as he works on training his overly-submissive new dog, Sadie.

Sadie came to us a few weeks back. She is about a year old and a ball full of love. However, she and Ryan are the same height. She Luuurves Ryan. Ryan is both terrified and delighted by this. Because Sadie runs up and squishes right into Ryan until he is huddled in a little ball on the ground. Upon hearing his cries she's all "Oh, don't worry! Let me cuddle with you and help you feel better" and proceeds to nuzzle up closely with all the graces of a wild chihuahua. This doesn't help the crying.

But, my dear husband has recognized that this is one of his first fears we get to help him conquer. Me? I would rather put him in a large inflated bubble. There are a lot of logistics problems with my version of comfort, however, and so here we are, working on guts.

I love that big sigh at the end like "phew. I survived again."


Anonymous said...

Such hard work. . . training the impossible, ha. When Ryan conquors Sadie, he can come out to Oma's and try his skills on the delinquent cat that calls our place home. . . "Mr." Sam. I can't believe Ryan's speech, such a talker and so plain. Can't wait to see you 3. Love, Mom G.

Tycen said...

That was great! How could anyone notice the yellow jacket and the moon boots with such a cute boy and funny dog to watch? Funny how Ryan was getting Sadie to totally lay down and submit and all Phil could do was to get her to barely sit.

Anonymous said...

What courage Ryan displays! Learning to control a large dog with so much energy isn't an easy task, but Ryan was doing an amazing job. Way to go, Ryan!
Love you all!

Krissy said...

Oh I truly loved watching this video! I was laughing the whole time. Ryan is getting so big. Did anyone catch him saying "it's time to take the garbage out, come on!" I think he was trying to nonshalontly change the subject on you guys.

It is so wonderful how well Sadie is with Ryan. She is so submissive with him. You can tell that within their relationship, Ryan is the dominant one.

Oh and the future you tell people "Oh yeah, Ryan picked out this outfit himself...I had to let him wear it, he was so proud of this combination!"

Anonymous said...

That is very cute!!