Thursday, March 20, 2008

7 months, 3 years

Every time I think I am going to get a few minutes to sit and write a blog post, something crazy will happen. I have had this video for a week or so now, along with the pictures.

But, oh, the stories my friends! Chicken chomping, cow wrangling stories of farm-folly glory.

More posts surely are to come...too fun not to share. But, for now, for the grandparents and aunts and aunts-in-spirit, here are new photos of the boys.

Ever since Ryan learned what a camera is my response to "smile!" has either been RUN! or the most overplayed, cheesy, unrealistic plastered smile I have ever seen. Think:silly putty face meets windtunnel.

But two days ago he was sitting so nicely giving his dad a hug and let me actually capture the sweet little face I so often see and also the face the keeps me from moving his room out to the barn. Because he is nearly three and sometimes? We test mom.

David has started to really, really like his big brother. Some of my best delights come from watching David spring with joy as Ryan does something REALLY EXCITING like hold a block out to see! Or maybe? Ryan will do something CRAZY like RUN from one end of the room to the other, flopping on the couch. The video is a bit dark (sorry for the bad cinematography...) but for those of you who want to see what those little kids look like when they are not in a still frame, here it is:


Krissy said...

Oh my gosh Tracy...I LOVE IT!!!!! They are both getting so big. At first I thought that the first picture of David was a baby of course. I love the video. Isn't it fun to see the little ones react to anything?
Thank you so much for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you! You just made this Grandma's day by posting these pictues. Sweet baby David has grown so much, and looks so like Ryan at this age. And Ryan, my goodness he is growing up. What an adorable, angelic little guy he is. LOVE his hair! Can't wait to see them and observe their interaction first-hand.
Hugs, Kisses and Love to All!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, my eyes have teared up. Such sweet, sweet babes!! And have you ever seen such talented grandchildren? Ryan, to be able to run backwards to entertain brother and David, in the works of becoming a male cheerleader (don't tell his Dad I said that, ha) Thank you so much for sharing Trace. Love you All!! Mom G.

Tifani said...

So adorable! I agree with Krissy that I thought the first pictures were of Ryan as a baby. Wow they look so much alike! David is getting so big. And Ryan's hair looks so cute longer. Love you all! Squeezes around!