Wednesday, August 15, 2007

David Michael

Saturday night at 10:31pm we welcomed David Michael into our family. He weighed 8lbs and 5oz, 21 inches long, and came a little over a week early.

About a week ago we were still in a debate over whether to name him David or Derek (Phil thought that David went with dark hair, Derek with light) but when he was born (and still now) we couldn't quite tell what color it will be. So we went with David - both because of King David of the bible and Davey Crocket, King of the Wild Frontier. His middle name was set for either first name, and that comes from our dear aviation-loving friend in Washington, because we hope our son, like his namesake, will cultivate traits of honesty, humility, love, and a passion for Christ.

Next to my boisterous, full of life two and a half year old, David sleeps and cuddles and seems like such a straightforward, easy baby. I wonder how much of that is because he IS an easy baby, and how much of it is because I have such contrast to the bouncing ball of energy that is my oldest.

We brought him home on Monday. Ryan has been very attentive to his little brother. Each time David squeaks Ryan perks up, lets out a little gasp, and exclaims "baby cryin!" or "baby mad". Then, more often than not, he will run over to see what he can do.
He shakes his hand and asks to carry him quite a bit. A few minutes after we came home Monday Ryan came over to try and take David from me (it is HIS brother, after all). I explained that David needed to eat before Ryan could hold him. Immediately Ryan ran into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled out a tupperware container of leftover corn. He carried it quickly to the table and put it in front of one of the chairs. Come on kid, let's get eatin, then!

So very helpful.
Mostly though, in between running and jumping and playing and squealing and coloring he will stop for a second or two, softly rub David's head with his hand. And then it's off running again.

We have really been working on a routine with Ryan - setting predictable things so that as David weaves his way into our lives, there are still certain constants Ryan can count on. This also makes it easier to transition from one thing to another (play to lunch, lunch to nap).
But two-year-olds are quick. They catch on and then throw in their own spin. For example, routine looks like this:
Treat (popsicle, fudgesicle, etc)
Two stories
For a long time, this worked quite smoothly, and when someone suggested that he find two stories to read, he would bound over to the bookshelf and start choosing. However, now that he has started to catch on, he will have a conversation:
T: Ryan, would you like to choose two stories to read? (Phew, naptime soon)
R: Go ni-night? (Look at how well I understand our routines, mom!)
T: Yep! Right after our stories.(with enthusiasm- sleeping is FUN!)
R: Um...Nope. No stories. (Not bratty or tantrum-like, but light, innocent, and with an air of "no thanks, mom, I'm a workin!")
Calli: Ryan, will you help Grandma make dinner? What should we make?
Ryan: Um...'mores.
Because every good meal is made of smores.
Our canning list is getting smaller- only tomatoes are left before Fall canning (applesauce, apple pie filling, and pears). This year I was intent on having gobs of tomatoes- both because I love them and because they are expensive to buy in large quantities if you want quality. They aren't difficult to grow, and so we bought and planted 8 regular tomato plants and two of the salad tomato plants. They have started coming on in abundance now and today we will can about a laundry-basket's worth. And there are more to come. Mmm.
Ryan LOVES tomatoes. After helping to pick one day he explained to Neighbor Mike that he "piked 'amatoes".
Oh really? What color were they?
Um, NOT a-green.
Oh, the training has gone well! (Although, before Kindergarten we might have to learn that Red has it's own name.)


Michael / Tifani said...

Hello baby David! Your Auntie Tiffy and Uncle Michael can't wait to meet you and kiss your cute, chubby cheeks!

He is so precious! And I love the stories about Ryan becoming so clever to figure things out. What a fun and crazy time for the Grossmanns!

Sonja said...

Tracy, David is so precious! What a sweet and adorable family you have :)

Give him and Ryan lots of hugs from us - we can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Well, I read this quick, and then Tifani said read closer. So, my initial reaction was "Praise the Lord. What a beautiful baby boy, and a sweet helpful, older, and wiser brother. :)" Then I read the fine print, and all I can say is - Tracy and Phil, I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. You made me cry. I haven't been moved like that in a long time. Doctor says the cure is a trip to Iowa and pronto. Got room?
Love, Michael

Tracy said...

Well, its only fitting to meet your namesake soon. Second week of september is booked, but you can come live...I mean...stay with us anytime you'd like. =)

And, even though he is young, I am sure Levi would like to meet a neat playmate. I'm not quite sure that David is up for playing catch yet, but they could battle...naptimes? I'll have to think on this one.