Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's Official

"You know, we are in competition here."
"What do you mean?"
"Uncle Jim has a lot of grandsons- we have to be thinking baseball teams! We already have four..."

And so it began... An excited grandpa and some gentle coercion set the wheel a-spinning and we will have boys in our family until there are nine of them. Maybe because they like their grandpa. Maybe because they know their mom's are getting better at finding cute boy clothes and building REALLY big Lego towers.

We get another boy! That makes five...so, between you two other families, you just need four more before we get some girls in here.

We get bunk beds and boys weekend hiking trips and trains and really really cool bug collections. (OK, truthfully, I am not excited about the bug collections...) On Friday's ultrasound we also got to see the little guy yawn and wiggle around and look adorable (as cute as you can look at 20 weeks gestation!). How fun! We are so very excited, and I think Ryan will be thankful that he doesn't have to worry about cooties in his playhouse anytime soon.


Michael / Tifani said...

Yay! More boys to help out on the farm! We're so excited for you guys, and are happy to hear that Ryan will have a playmate soon. You have lots of bedrooms to fill up in that house of yours!

Emily said...

Way to go on making another boy! You two are getting really good at that...haha. ;)

I think of you often and wonder how you're doing but am too lazy to email. Thanks for keeping up the blog so I can check in!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! One can never have too many brothers, haha :)

Anonymous said...

And Grandma says............blue or pink wings and halos, it doesn't matter at all......they're little cherubs and what a blessing!!