Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fit moosie anyone?

We have been fighting some illness these past few weeks. It started with Phil, the flu and then a stomach bug, and ended with Ryan, the flu. We all still have a bit of a cough, but for the most have survived quite well. During this timeframe, there were many tissues throughout the house, and we passed time chiefly with movies and books. Ryan, learning more and more how to talk, has learned to ask to watch such “moosies,” principally the “fit moosie”. “Sit down!” he commands quite often. “Dooce, fit moosie”. Of course, meaning, of course, “Sit down, mamma, grab some juice for me and let’s watch Finding Nemo.”

My dad tells me that when I would talk around Ryan’s age, he could understand me perfectly but anyone listening was quite perplexed. Until a few weeks ago, I was among those without insight into Ryan’s discussions. It is quite delightful to watch and listen to him, finally being able to actually converse with him.

“But” “Bread” (Phil hates this one- “Do you hear our son saying that word?”
“Shup” “Sheep”
“Dile” “Crocodile”
“Pundle” “Pencil”
“Dump!” “Jump”

Perhaps my favorite is when he eases himself slowly to the ground, until he is flat on his back- arms and legs outstretched, and exclaims “Splat!” matter-of-factly.

A close second is when he sees someone rub their eyes, yawn, or lay down, or he himself rubs his eye. Upon noticing this, he says “tiiire” (tired) in a sweet, knowing voice. It is sometimes accompanied by a tender pat on the cheek for the “tired” person, even if it is himself.

Among these words and others which must be translated, his vocabulary of universally understandable phrases is growing daily. So fun to watch!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,
You and Phil will remember Ryan's spoken gems for many years -- and thanks to your wonderful blog, we'll get to enjoy this new stage with you.

When your cousin Geoff was Ryan's age, he had a little trouble with the letter S. He also went through a stage when he thought it was cool to call your Uncle Lee and me by our first names. So his favorite request to me was, "Fit down, Fydney, and fing me a fong!"

Stay well, you guys. With so much love, Aunt Sydney

Michael / Tifani said...

I love the stories!! It's so exciting to hear about Ryan talking. I'm sure it will be a whirlwind of words now that he's started! Glad to hear you're all feeling better - stay warm!!

Tracy said...

We are staying with our Pastor and his family while we wait for power- Ryan has learned the names of the entire family and each has it's own slant Benjamin (Banjaja).

Aunt Sydney- thank you for the anecdote- I was laughing out loud!