Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well, I believe it has been so long that I might have forgotten how to string words together. There is so much to update it is nearly overwhelming, so I will just start with today...the rest will fill in later.

We have finally moved into some cooler weather back here- single digits are no longer abnormal. Last night the skies dumped 8 inches of snow on top of our 4 inches. We have been "not so diligent" about shoveling our long driveway and ended up having quite an eventful morning attempting to drive to the gravel. Phil spent a good amount of time out in his church clothes shoveling snow, determined that we would indeed make it on time. While Ryan and I stayed nice and warm inside the van, I am sure he was thankful that the shoveling was up after only 20 minutes. (I call that determined!)

I have been swamped with my new job. I have taken on a position as a City Clerk for a small town back here (when I say small, I mean population of around 100). When I was hired, they explained that it was a small job, maybe 10 hours a month- all from home. Well....maybe NOT during tax...or budget time. Also, the last clerk seems to have missed a few critical parts of her position, which have made for some extra catch-up time. I am excited, however, to bring the job into year 2007 - they were still addressing all 48 garbage bills by hand!

In other, much more important news, I should tell you all that we are expecting another "new addition" around the end of August. (If you receive a Christmas letter from either side of the family OR are within calling range of dad-in-law you already know this!) Whether it will be the 20th or the 22nd (landing on either Auntie or Uncle's birthday) will have to be battled out. If that is not enough, we were blessed with a new baby nephew a few weeks ago (yes, another one!). It's tough having brand new tiny babies so far away when you would really like to be so close!

The other part that makes this fun is that my sister Kristina is also expecting a baby - on July 30th. That could make these little guys pretty darn close. We call and compare cravings, pregnancy pointers, and general discomfort. (i.e. Are you tired a lot? Me too!) It's really quite productive. I am a lot more relaxed about this baby than I was with Ryan, and it's delightful to have my sister call and listen to how I used to sound (was I really THAT worried about sweets?) The benefit of it is that I don't have to read any books this time around- she tells me what is coming up, what I should expect, and what the experts say about it.

Ryan has started talking up a storm. He will repeat most words that are said to him, and even comes up with a few two-word combinations. As a result we communicate so much better, although I am not so sure this is such a good thing at all times. For example, now he knows how to ask for things (Mallow? Marshmallow) and ask, and ask....and ask...and about thirty times over ask. Or take today, for example, when we went into Borders. With squealing excitement he wrenched his hand from mine and ran full speed ahead "BOOK! BOOK!" to the first shelf of novels. When I caught up with him, and held his hand a bit tighter, he leaned his body forward and drug me through the store, pointing at each book and with renewed exuberance shouted BOOK! each time. Needless to say most of the other customers thought it was darling, whereas I felt like I had a small bull in a china shop. (Wow Mom! Have you SEEN this place?!? It's amazing! I want to look at this one and this one and this one over here!)

I have pictures to share but that will have to wait for another night- camera is in the car and well, it's a bit chilly out there.


Michael / Tifani said...

Yay! Yay! Yay.. and YAY for babies! I'm so excited for you guys. I'm sure by August you'll be just about tired of being pregnant in the hot Iowa summer, but all I can really think right now is, will he/she have Ryan's cute cheeks? :) Keep bundled up, friends! Love you guys!

Tycen said...

"While Ryan and I stayed nice and warm inside the van, I am sure he was thankful that the shoveling was up after only 20 minutes. (I call that determined!)"

I call that cold! Poor Phil. :)

Sonja said...

Yeah!! We are so excited for you guys about the baby news!! Tee hee! But I think Tifani's right, you might be tired of being pregnant in the hot Iowa summer so you should have the baby early - I think August 8th would be a great day to have the baby :)

Anonymous said...

It's so exciting that you're expecting your second child! I'm sure Ryan is going to LOVE having someone to play with, at least after they're a little older. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracy, I saw your blog from Tifani's myspace and have been reading it. You are still such a fantastic writer! I love reading your vivid blogs. And congrats on getting pregnant! It seems you, Phil and Ryan have built a very sweet life in Iowa. Congrats again!
- Becky Steelsmith (now Janeczko)(

Tracy said...

Hello Becky! Long time no talk! Congrats to you, as well! Keep reading the archives - it's been a wild and crazy year!