Monday, August 28, 2006

No, Thank YOU!

In case it has not been overly apparent, Ryan likes food. He will eat just about anything. The only aversion I have noticed is to PB&J sandwiches. He will actually take the pieces of bread apart and eat only the jelly half.

I have been trying to teach him how to ask for food by using the name of the food. This is rather difficult, since he knows only a few of the names (including apple and banana). Most other requests are made with a (non-subtle) pointed finger via the wildly waving arm and a loud "mmmmm".

So, we are working on it.

There have been days where he remembers how to say "please" and will actually say it when prompted. There are other days when he just looks at me like I am crazy to ask him to say such a difficult word.

Today, he started out saying "apple", and when prompted actually said please. When I put it on his plate, he said "day-do" (small man's equivalent for "Thank you".) This was so cute. I encouraged it greatly and now he says "Day-do" whenever he gets something.

Except for that by the end of the day, he no longer said apple or please. He would simply point to something and say "day-do". As if it was already a given that he was going to receive the apple/cookie/sharp-pointy object. If that subtle command did not work, it turned into a more insistent, arm-waving "DAY-DO!!" I don't really know if I like this turn of events.

In other news, we had a HI of 68 degrees today. I wore jeans and a sweatshirt (I took from Tifani) all day. Ryan is in his footie pajamas for bed. Each day it feels more and more like fall is near...

Also, we have watermelon, muskmelon, cantaloupe, squash, and pumpkins. Lots. After picking a few unripe melons we finally got the one pictured above. It was as good as it looks. Yum!


Emily said...

Dang, girl, wish I was there to eat some watermelon with you and Ryan. Looks good! You're posting a lot these days. I can't keep up with you!

Anonymous said...

What a GEM! I love the picture of Mr. Ryan with his look of delight over his piece of watermelon. Sweet, sweet baby! Now if he's like his Great Grpa Borst, he will have acquired the "melon taiste" enough to start raiding the watermelon patch. The next time you see Grpa, ask him to share with you the story of he and his brother "eating the hearts out of the melons" that his folks were raising. And to think that Uncle Bob and I got into trouble for simply having a "strawberry squishing" on each other, ha. Love you 3!