Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's in the Air

Yesterday we saw the first flock of geese flying south for the winter. The sprawling V formation was forshadowing of what I know in my bones to be true: fall is coming!

This type of anticipation is new for me. Sure, like most other people, I have always looked forward to the "holidays". There was always a sense of excitement each year when that first evening came - you know, the one where you stepped outside and you could swear it smelled like it was going to snow. Even though it was October. Or the feeling you would get when walking past a Christmas ornament display, or hear the first carol of the year on the radio. Each piece of the puzzle made you long for that time - for Christmas cookies and snowmen. For a bright tree and rows of houses decked in lights. I have always looked forward to winter- for the warmth of the holidays. But the others have been mostly "filler" time; the rest of life that has to happen between each Christmas season. I don't really know what started that, and it's not that I don't enjoy the rest of the year. It may just be I have been to busy to pay close attention.

But this year has been different. After such a long, cold winter I was so excited when spring came. To hear little chicks in the nests outside and see the plants and trees come back to life. To watch those fields (and farmers) wake up from their winter slumber. To go outside without three layers of clothes on! And summer, as well, was ushered in with anticipation. I was ready for long, hot days filled with watermelon and lemonade. For picnics and parades. To harvest the garden sewn.

And now, I eagerly await fall. I am ready for the days to get a bit cooler- and a bit shorter. I imagine hot apple cider from the stove and warm soup for lunch. I am ready for pumpkin pie and nights reading next to the warmth of the fire. I am ready to put the garden to bed until next year. To have my canning shelves full and the harvest inside.

So, the geese are flying south. And hey, I know it's still August. And I know that it was still 81 degrees outside today and the wood in the house is still swollen with the humid air. I know I still have the fans running all day...and all night. And I know that the sky is still bright blue without a cloud. Until 9pm. But I feel it- fall is coming. And I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

As always, I SO enjoy your stories, Tracy! Actually, this one made me hungry. :)

Anonymous said...

I too am ready for fall sweetie. It's a slow down time from all the hard work of spring planting and summer harvest. A time of contentment from "a job well done". Love you!