Thursday, July 20, 2006


53 Quarts sliced peaches: One week of calling and Iowa peach hunting.
14 Pints of Peach Jam: One 3am morning.
9 Pints of Peach/Pineapple jam: The remainder of 3 bushels of peaches and a 4am morning.

Having each jar from two days worth of work seal properly: Priceless.

It's 4:17 - I just finished canning the final batch of jam from our peaches. I'm off to bed. Hopefully Ryan finds it in his heart to sleep in for mamma.


Anonymous said...

You are amazing and my inspiration! Great job Tracy!! Now only if we lived closer we could benefited from all your handwor...hmmm thinking...Tycen? Michael? Tifani? L-O-N-G road trip anyone... (smile)

Anonymous said...

Am proud of you sweetie. It's so much work, but when you get those jars all washed up and down on your canning shelves, there's such a "full" feeling of having provided for your family. By the time you get to the end of the growing and canning season, you'll let out a contented sigh of relief and feel deep in your soul, "let those snowflakes fall this winter, I'm ready!!" Get some rest!!

Tycen said...

Way to go!!! When's dinner?

Anonymous said...

You inspired me...I just finished canning a batch of peach jam (9 jars) from the peaches we were given by a friend. It doesn't begin to compare to your marathon, but I'm still glad I did it! They are so pretty...can't wait to see yours sitting on your canning shelves! Just the beginning of yummy meals ahead.
Love you guys!