Sunday, February 10, 2013

It was one year ago, yesterday, that we welcomed this sweet little baby girl into our lives, and we have had such a fun year getting to know her! She is spunky and quiet and inquisitive and bright-eyed. She cuddles and giggles and is delightful to be around.

A favorite tradition we have started as a family is to let the non-birthday kids decorate the cake for the birthday-kid. I always start out by asking them what they want to do- I give them some "supplies" and then let them have at it. I am usually beside myself with joy by the end- it is always so much crazier, and more creative, and messier, and more fun than I could imagine. The kids always look forward to making something really special for the birthday-kid, too. Some of us are better at "decorating" and not "testing" than others. And it is interesting to watch the big kids work out the plan with the little ones around- they need to be so patient to let everyone have a part. 

This is the finished product, which you can't see well in this picture. But I had to share- do you see what I have to work with? All a mom wants is the "perfect" family picture with the birthday cake. And this is the best one of the bunch- with a hidden Anna and a squirelly David. They started with a plan to make a heart on one side of the cake, and a big #1 on the other side. In the end, the cake had a castle wall, and a river of sprinkles.

As they were making it, Ryan said "Ellie is going to SCREAM when she sees this!" And though Ellie is much too mild-mannered to scream over a cake, she did lean over and give a delighted "mmm!" before snitching a marshmallow.

The birthday girl certainly did enjoy her cake. But she wasn't too excited about having to use her hands. I watched her gingerly pick at the mess on her fingers and almost even went to get her a fork, she was so hesitant. Still, she loved it.
Oh yes, before the cake was cut, Phil couldn't help himself and toasted the marshmallows, adding a true "dad's touch" to her cake. Here is the cake: Snowy, Toasted Marshmallow Castle with Sprinkle Moat.

And then today, tuckered out from a night of cake and presents, bundled up in winter fluff, our own rosy-cheeked sleeping beauty. One year old already.
 Happy birthday sweet Ellie!