Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fit moosie anyone?

We have been fighting some illness these past few weeks. It started with Phil, the flu and then a stomach bug, and ended with Ryan, the flu. We all still have a bit of a cough, but for the most have survived quite well. During this timeframe, there were many tissues throughout the house, and we passed time chiefly with movies and books. Ryan, learning more and more how to talk, has learned to ask to watch such “moosies,” principally the “fit moosie”. “Sit down!” he commands quite often. “Dooce, fit moosie”. Of course, meaning, of course, “Sit down, mamma, grab some juice for me and let’s watch Finding Nemo.”

My dad tells me that when I would talk around Ryan’s age, he could understand me perfectly but anyone listening was quite perplexed. Until a few weeks ago, I was among those without insight into Ryan’s discussions. It is quite delightful to watch and listen to him, finally being able to actually converse with him.

“But” “Bread” (Phil hates this one- “Do you hear our son saying that word?”
“Shup” “Sheep”
“Dile” “Crocodile”
“Pundle” “Pencil”
“Dump!” “Jump”

Perhaps my favorite is when he eases himself slowly to the ground, until he is flat on his back- arms and legs outstretched, and exclaims “Splat!” matter-of-factly.

A close second is when he sees someone rub their eyes, yawn, or lay down, or he himself rubs his eye. Upon noticing this, he says “tiiire” (tired) in a sweet, knowing voice. It is sometimes accompanied by a tender pat on the cheek for the “tired” person, even if it is himself.

Among these words and others which must be translated, his vocabulary of universally understandable phrases is growing daily. So fun to watch!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Cow Chasing

Phil: I just had a very Iowan experience.
Me:What do you mean?
Phil: So I am up in the loft of Mike's barn, working away at straightening it, and I hear some cows running around.
Me: Cows running around? Like in the pasture?
Phil: NO! Like through the barn...and into his front yard!
Me: Where was Mike?
Phil: He was gone! I was the only one there, and these 6 cows decided to LEAVE the PASTURE and trapse through the yard!
Me: What did you do?
Phil: I didn't know what to do! I tried to look big...and I don't know, corral them or something. Do you know how BIG cows are!?! Anyhow, they start eating the hay around his house, and then start to head over to the pasture across the street. I'm thinking, SURE, wherever you want to go, cows, head that way!
Me: Oh man, across the road?
Phil: They seemed to know where they were going...
But then! Another one comes running at me from behind, charging me or something! So I turned around and waved my arms- and thankfully she stopped. And all I can think about is how I am going to get all of these cows back where they belong? I couldn't just leave them to wander around out there!
Me: Of course not!
Phil: So up drives these two farmhands in a truck, and I start to wave frantically at them. Thankfully the truck slows down and stops. One of them starts to open his door, and the cows all turn and run back toward me. I'm looking around for a tree or SOMETHING to climb up- and there's nothing! But instead of trampling me they just head back into the pasture they came from.
Me: Oh man! What did the guys in the truck say?
Phil: They didn't even stop! They saw the cows head back into the pasture and then slowly drove by...I'm sure wondering what kind of crazy city kid was out messing with the cattle!
Me: You have to call Mike and tell him his gate was left open!

*Phil calls Mike*
Phil: So, some of your cows got out somehow. Everything's fine, and I chased them back in and all.
Mike: Well, shoot.
Phil: One big red one was charging at me or something...
Mike: Ah, those girls are really tame. She must have been looking for a treat, sometimes I give them carrots and such.

*Mike calls later and leaves a message*
Mike: Looks like you got a pretty good workout- there were hoofprints all over the front yard. Those girls must have gotten pretty hungry and got to pushing on the gate. Well, eat a big meal, you must be hungry, and have a good night.